WELCOME to the ACT WRITE webpage
ACT WRITE was started in April 2020 to help support the home schooling effort (during the first UK lockdown) through creative writing. During our first six months the group has created radio plays, digital storytelling pieces, and are now working on their projects with scripts ranging from theatre, film, radio and graphic novels. Limited group size ensures all participant get time to show their work and receive feedback and advice from the other participants.
The groups meets via zoom on Monday (term time only) 6 pm - 7:30 pm, and is open to 8 yrs +.
For more information about joining please contact us
These sessions support Arts Award levels Bronze, Silver and Gold
To listen to our podcasts show casing the radio plays please select your preferred app
The groups meets via zoom on Monday (term time only) 6 pm - 7:30 pm, and is open to 8 yrs +.
For more information about joining please contact us
These sessions support Arts Award levels Bronze, Silver and Gold
To listen to our podcasts show casing the radio plays please select your preferred app